Friday, May 2, 2008

Wednesday and Thursday afternoon in DC

After a wonderful lunch with Len (a former boss and good friend) at Firestorm(?) in the Tysons Galleria on Wednesday, I headed back to Gavin's condo in Reston.

Frank and I had dinner with Sandy and Dick Hentz at the 4 Provinces, our favorite Irish restaurant in Falls Church. Fabulous dinner... lots of catching up on family and friends. Didn't know their daughter Carrie is working as a teacher at a preschool, but it fits her. And Dave is married and has a child! (I obviously need to keep in touch more often!) Photos of Steve and Sharon's daughter Olivia, are adorable. And Jonathan... well... what can I say about how much he looks like Steve (but I'm still not sure about taking him on the roof to watch the Blue Angels!)

Yesterday Frank and I stayed at Gavin's, going out only to Chili's at lunch. Gavin's dog, Mojo (my granddog), is having a rough time of it. What was originally diagnosed as an enlarged prostate and urinary tract infection, turned out to be cancer of the prostate and blood in the urine. Not good. Mojo stayed with us for almost a year while we were living in DC and I'm quite attached to him. I truly believed when he left with Gavin yesterday morning that I wouldn't see him again.

Gavin took him to the surgeon's to see what could be done. The surgeon referred him to a veterinary oncologist (who was apparently quite hot, but that's another story!) The oncologist suggested 5 chemo treatments which start next Friday.

So the worst did not happen yesterday, but Mojo still only has 9-12 months. I know that when I say goodbye to him on upon our return from Greece, it will be the last time I see him. Just the thought of it brings tears to my eyes. I can't imagine what Gavin is going through. Mojo has been his constant companion since his last year in college, and Gavin celebrates is 35th birthday in early June. If I could take away his sorrow I would move heaven and earth to do so.

More later, if I can get back into the blog. This morning I had a great deal of difficulty loggin in.

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